Sunday, March 31, 2013

Adaptation of species throughout time: Theory of the Mermaid

During the last week we had the opportunity through technology to view a set of short video clips about the theory of evolution and how a group of our ancestors decided to take to the sea (waters) instead of moving inland once the environmental conditions on land threaten their daily balances. As the years pasted, these so called aquatic apes adopted to the life under waters. Lets remember to point out that these adaptation processes didn't happen overnight. Anything from 500,000 to 2 million years of changes. For this week's posting, post a personal comment on how you can connect all the events from these different video clips to relate a possible theory or story on what happened and how these ancestors to many are believed to be our 'unseen' mermaids which many believe to exist. Remember, this is not about if they do or not exist, this is only to show how a good theory can make us think differently and look the other way. I enclose the link to the series of video clips we should make reference to: THE MERMAID <-- PRESS THIS LINK TO WATCH VIDEOS.


  1. Last week was very interesting. We watched clips about our ancestors. The people in the clip looked human monkeys. They had big hands that was stick together, their hair was going straight down and looked stiff. At first they were hairy but then there hair started to come off their body. They started off living on land and getting their food from the sea(fish). But then an earthquake happen and they all started to go in the sea.

    When they webt inti the sea they started to learn how to evolve in the water. At first they set back and watched other creatures hunt. After 2 million years their feet turned into a tale. Before this clip I didnt believe in mermaids and didnt have any seconds thoughts about it. Sfter watching these clips they nade me wonder about mermaids and our ancestors. This is how I relate to this clip.

  2. Yes Lenay, it is an incredible transition the one we watched. Not that as a scientist I would deny the existence of mermaids, but the information presented was very correlated to the fact of their actual existence. It is very true that species will evolve to adapta to their surroundings and to help them survive. These 'aquatic apes' evolved throughout millions of years in a way they could hunt and move within the waters. Great post Lenay!

  3. Technically,these mermaids started out as Sea Monkeys. In history, so many sightings of these creatures got caught up with fables and evolution. There's even one I'm named after, whoop-de-do. They helped us all and we didn't even know it! Now watch fantasy turn to reality.

    When we were still homo sapiens, we lived close to the shore, our. In the shore ,ancestors were able to catch fish that washed up to shore. One day, a volcano erupted. This forced our ancestors to run. Some went to higher ground, while others, surprisingly, went to the shore. This started the border line for sea monkeys and land monkeys.

    The ones that chose water slowly grew webbing on the opening of their fingers and toes. Their eyes turned blue and they lost some hair. Their reactions got faster and their use of resources got stronger. They taught early humans how to hunt, too! Now ,I couldn't say they're mermaids. They actually grew to what we know today as, dolphins. In makes sense, though; dolphins connect to humans very well, and are also very intelligent.

  4. i learned many things while i was watching the short mermaid clip , i learned that ancestors were human monkeys decided to take to the sea instead of moving inland once the environmental conditions on land threaten their daily balances. years later our ancestors adapt to the water because they were living in the water for many years and once u do you adapt to the water , then yet ''mermaids'' were learing how to hunt. there were alot predators which were shark and the sharks fed on mermaids and fish :-[ .

  5. last week we watched how aquatic apes moved into the waters in order to hunt for new type of foods. As the volcano started erupting the apes split in diffrent directions . After they split they started adapting to the water climates. As the years went by the aquatic apes begin hunting in open water and hiding in caves. Over the years the begin growing gills . Now these 'aquatic apes ' started bonding with the dolphins.

    Furthermore these apes were later called as we know today mermaids. Since mermaids bonded with dolphin they begin interacting with humans. Although these mermaids have a different perspective . There has been sightings of the evil side of mermaids but the government is hiding evidence of mermaids .

    1. Excellent comment Henry! I believe you have mastered the topic of adaptation and the changes required for a specie to survive in a new environment. Keep up the great work!

      Grade: 4/4

  6. In class we watched some clips about how we humans were created.I find this topic really insteresting because it shows where we basically came from.I hope we go more into this.I learned that we develpoed over time.We are generation s down from Aquatic apes and mermaids.

    Even now you can see resemblance on a animal we visit in the zoo. We basically kind of look like apes expect they have more hair than us and walk on four.I believe more, that we came from monkeys or apes than mermaids.Like we barely have any evidence that proves that there is such thing as a mermaid.

    1. Very interesting response, but I disagree with you on the fact that there is no evidence on whether or not mermaids exist. I believe there is.

    2. I found this topic inspiring to me. This topic is also interesting.

    3. okay nice to know your opionion Smiley Nicasio.

    4. I found all of this very fasinating even though it seems mythical

  7. In class, the topic of mermaids was brought up. At first I did not believe in them, and only imagined them as creatures with a torso of a human and the an extremely long fish tail. Something out Walt Disney's "The Little Mermaid". But when we began watching the series of short clips, my vision was proven wrong. Instead of the creatures we imagined as child, they were in fact, much more different.

    They first began as ape-like creatures, who roamed the planet looking for food. As the neared the ocean, they didn't dare get any closer; only snatching up the small fishes that lived near the rocks. But when the volcanoes near by started erupting, burning up everything in sight- the ape had no choice but to retreat into the water.

    It took thousands of years, but eventually, evolution took place, and the ape adapted to its watery surroundings. It now had webbed feet and hands, and could now breathe longer. But they could not stay in the same place, and had to venture deeper into the ocean.

    The aquatic ape would always have to adapt to its surroundings, changing its form every thousands of years. Today, we humans call them 'mermaids', though many have not seen them. We do not know whether we drove them into extinction or they are hiding from humans.

    1. Excellent post Smiley! I believe you have mastered the topic on specie adaptation and evolution through time.

      Grade: 4/4

  8. About 3 million years ago, mermaids traveled in pods. They have to avoid giant sea predators. None were power then Megiadon. Megidon is an enormous prehistoric shark that fed on whales. About a million years ago after apes went to live in the sea to learn how to hunt. They sooner or later developed a higher lung capacity and the ability to breathe and sea under water for long time. Soon after that they started to live in the sea.

    Mermaids have managed to stay hidden during human history. Some reports are on fisher man's logs and on Christopher Columbus's log. A strange footage was shot by a young boy and his friend poking body washed up on shore. Fisher mans in tough water caught something strange that looked human but did not act like human. The apes were escaping the volcanic island and some went different ways. Some went to sea which evolved into aquatic apes to mermaids. The others went inland which evolved into humans.

  9. This week I learned about mermaids.At first mermaids evolved from apes.At first the apes were normal land animals and then they spent a lot of time in the water.Soon they were able to stay underwater for longer and longer time.Later they adapted to the underwater enviroment.As times passed the apes started growing tails and fins to adapt to the water and breathe there all the time.

    As times passed the apes now known as aquatic apes bonded with dolphins.The apes learned their survival skills and hunting techniques from their dolphin friends.As they kept growing they got their name and category as mermaids.Soon mermaids were flooding the ocean hunting fish to eat.But these species to man are mythical.There was a website called however that website was shut down by the government for giving too much information to the public.

    1. I think they should have never shut down What about you?

    2. yea i went to that website once and that was it but it was very interesting they had alot of information and knew what they were doing

    3. Great post! I believe you have mastered the topic on adaptation and why it's important for species to evolve. I would had enjoyed looking at the website, but as you mentioned it was shut down by Homeland Security.

      Grade: 4/4 Note: After each period at the end of each sentence, leave 2 spaces before starting next sentence.

  10. A while ago in class i learned about mermaids.I learned that our ancestors were human monkey.Our ancestors decided to take to the sea instead of moving inland once the environmental conditions on land threaten their daily balances.This were also called the "Aquatic Apes".Now the aquatic apes began adopting to life under water.
    As years went by, the aquatic apes started bonding with dolphins.Today these aquatic apes are know as mermaids.Since the mermaids bond with dolphins they learned how to bond with humans.

    1. As you mentioned, environmental conditions are factors that will tend to put species on a survival 'mode'. If the conditions are favorable, the species will adopt quicker, if conditions are not favorable, these specie or any other specie will have to evolve to adapt. This take thousands and sometimes million of years.

      Grade: 3/4 Notes: Must complete 2 full paragraphs. Check spelling and after each period at the end of each sentence, leave 2 spaces before starting next sentence.

  11. A few weeks ago I learned about aquatic apes.We learned how these aquatic apes started in land.Soon the apes started to know how to hunt.They went to shore and went to catch fish and other foods.Then a volcano erupted and the apes went in different direction.Some went into the forest and some swam in the water.
    Now the apes were adapting to the water.They could then start to breathe in the water for a long time.These apes now grew fins and gills.Now the apes are now sea animals which are called mermaids.While these apes started to adapted with the ocean,they started to interact with the dolphins.They learning the skills of a dolphins.The mermaids also had to overcome many dangerous things that lived in the ocean.These things were sharks and many other sea animals.I saw in the clip that leaders of the mermaids sometimes had to sacrifice themselves so that the other schools of mermaids can escape from the predators.I think the weapons were interesting because it looks like its really hard to make them.

    1. Great post! I truly believe that you have mastered the idea of transition throughout time (evolution) and adaptation. Within your post you also present the survival skills of this specie. All of this in the name of "STAYING ALIVE" and endure. Once again Anthony, you did a great job.

      Grade: 4/4 Notes: Check spelling and after each period at the end of each sentence, leave 2 spaces before starting next sentence.

  12. Sorry that I handed the work in late Mr.Rosado. Ill make sure to hand my work on time.

  13. It's ok Anthony, you posted an excellent comment.

  14. Well, that week we learned about mermaids and monkey like creature. The monkey like creatures and the mermaids kinda look like a human. I could relate to this because the monkey like creatures could walk like humans. The mermaids could swim like humans but more advanced. I really enjoyed this topic because it was fun and all we had to do was observe things the creatures did.

  15. its actually true mermaids do look like humans.I agree with u Shaboun Brunson

  16. Mermaids do look like humans but not to pretty. they could be real but i don't think that God would make half human half fish.
