Monday, February 25, 2013

Science Log for Week Feb. 20 to Feb 28, 2013

Understanding how all organ systems work together, describe and present evidence of what would happen if the relationship between these systems are broken. What happens to homeostasis (balance)? Can the disease state of one organ system bring down the health of another organ system? Blog away!


  1. Organ Systems work together to make things stay stable and in place. If those 2 organ systems relationship get stop/broken bad things could happen. The body could shut down automatically. The body could stop recieving blood in different areas and that could cause blood clocks. Another effect is that the blood cells could stop recieving the nutrients it needs to survive and all your cells could die.

    For instance, the Digestive system is one system we have in our body. Suppose we swallow something and it doesnt go out it stays in and blocks the tubese leading to the digestive system. That means all the bacteris and pestites you dont need would not come out and it would effect your amune system. And if you dont do nothing to fix eventually you get illneases, diseases, or death.

    Jus by one Organ system not working that could effect the other ones. It could effect them because all the Organ systems work together. Irgan systems is what makes a healthy human bean. It would effect the other Organ systems by healthy, because every Organ systems connection and is like an chain reaction. Do once one Organ system stop processing the other ones are effected

  2. The things that i have learned in science was how does the human body work in diffrent many ways.The human works in diffrent ways like the respratory system,circulatory system, and the extratory system.

    Digestive system is one system we have in our body.If we swallow something and it doesnt go out it stays and blocks the tubel eading to the digestive system. That means all the bacterias and you dont need would not come out and it would effect your amune system.If you dont do nothing to fix eventually you get illneases, diseases, or death.

    One Organ system not working that could effect the other ones. It effects them because all the Organ systems work together. Irgan systems is what makes a healthy human bean. It would effect the other Organ systems by healthy, because every Organ systems connection and is like an chain reaction. Do one Organ system stop processing the other ones are effected
    Im am glade i learned all of this stuff and i hope to learn more

    1. I am also glad that we are learning cool things in science and ican't wait to see what we will learn next

  3. The human body is made up of several organ systems that work together as one unit. some of those sytems are the Circulatory System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Nervous System, Reproductive System, Respiratory System, and the Skeletal System. If the relationship between these sytems are broken then the organ sytems won't work together to keep your body healthy. This could end in somebody getting sick or even worse somebody dying.

    Kenneth Cosme 733

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  5. In science learned how the human body works together. these are some of the systems that work together, digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system. all of these systems help keep the body from dieing. one system gets rid of waste .another digest the food you eat . another lets oxygen flow through your body.if anything happens to any of these organs the other organs shut down and die. if the organs die the body will shut down with the organs and so will the brain.
    if the brain dies the body won't be sent any messages and the nerves will shut down also. with out all of this you will die

  6. This lession was awsome because we learned about how the system of our body works and something we do to break them, and what happends.For exsample if u eat a lot your body throws up as a defence meaning no more food, when full the body poops the digest food.Another exsample is that when u gain wheat your bod belive that the way to be and becomes amune to it there for we are breaking the body system thats why it is good to eat healthy. COOL LESSION!!!!!!!!

  7. From this lesson i learned a lot from this essay.One of the of the things I learned was how body functions. I also learned about the digestive system, the nervous system, respiratory system, and the circulatory system.Theses systems keep you living. I also learned that these systems protected your body from getting sick.
