· Will chilling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?
· What type of plastic wrap prevents evaporation the best?
· What plastic wrap prevents oxidation the best?
· What percentage of an orange is water?
· Are night insects attracted to lamps because of heat or light?
· Can you make Jello using fresh pineapples instead of canned pineapples?
· Do white candles burn at a different rate than colored candles?
· Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth?
ReplyDeletev How do soil particles change at increased underground depths?
v Roller coaster physics: potential vs. kinetic energy
v Exploring the life of monkeys
v Do pylons block wind erosion?
v How do different surfaces affect the bounce of a basketball?
v Water filters: through which type of soil does water flow the fastest?
v How does water pH affect the color of rose petals?
v Can you catch a fly with honey better than with vinegar?
v What’s the best angle to shoot a rubber band to make it fly the farthest?
v What mummification mixture will preserve an apple the longest?
v The effect of motor oil on plant growth
v Which vitamin additive makes plants grow the tallest?
v Bottled vs. tap water: how do they compare in iron, nitrate, and bacteria content?
v How does the height that blood is dropped affect blood spatter?
v How clean is our water? Monitor water quality from several different sources.
v Is there lead in our soil? Monitor soil quality from several different sources.
v How dirty is money?
v Which detergent works the best?
v Which battery lasts the longest?
v Which ________ works the best?
How does music affect your blood pressure?
v How does ____ affect your blood pressure?
v What temperature of water is best for _____ plants?
v What amount of soil is best for _____ plants?
v What type of soil is best for ______ plants?
v How do different liquids affect the growth of ______ plants?
v How do different salinities (saltiness of liquids) affect the growth of _______ plants?
v How does iron concentration in soil affect the growth of _______ plants?
v Which fruits decompose the fastest?
v Which bread decomposes fastest: organic or non organic? Wheat or white? Store or name brand?
v Who has a better visual and auditory memory: boys or girls? Older or younger people?
v Design a garbage disposal plan for the mostly effective Reuse or Disposal of garbage.
v Paper airplanes: What model flies the farthest? The straightest?
v When and why are shadows different lengths?
v How are temperature and relative humidity related to barometric pressure?
v What is the best color to paint your house to save the most energy?
v What effect does temperature have on the conductivity of electricity?
v How does different color light affect photosynthesis?
v How do different colored surfaces radiate energy?
v Does the color of a liquid affect its boiling point?
v What effect does acid rain have on mineral decomposition?
v Auditory and visual memories of males and females
v Which color Saran Wrap allows plants to grow the tallest?
v Do different wavelengths of light affect plant growth?
v Do hydrating shampoos really strengthen hair more than regular shampoos?
v Does anti-perspirant affect your pH?
v Does temperature affect bacterial growth?
v The effects of varying amounts of water on seed germination
v A comparison of soil vs. hydroponic techniques
v Evaluation of fertilizer types: which works best on marigolds?
v The effects of two commonly used window cleaners on plants
v How does the pH of common beverages affect plant growth
v How temperature affects viscosity
v Does spending more money for _______ give more _________?
v Does fabric softener affect drying time?
v Does viewing television affect pulse rate?
v What is the best insulation?
v What is the effect of soccer ball temperature in kicking distance?
v How fast do yard waste materials decompose?
v Which wood is more resistant to decay?
v Do taller people have a greater lung capacity than shorter people?
Luis Perez
ReplyDeleteI finally got the darn sight do work. The topic was about ice bergs melting. Well the truth is that Too many people are suffering of stress over it. All 7 of them. But out of all realism the reason too many people are worried is since ice melts at a slightly slower speed than water can freeze at -149*F so you are getting way too worried about this topic. But i cant be the only one with computer problems so reply to mine in your comment.
But yet since i have to reply to some one i must go onto this week's topic. In my eyes the whole world started as one cell. cells can multiply to it constantly did increased it's numbers. The one cell was nothingness. more and more nothingness.(trying to not act boring here.)Since more nothingness appeared one cell decided to change to something els, pressure. It multiplied and multiplied until more cells trying to be different formed. Eventually starting a gravitational core that we call "The Inner Core" And one became part of the "The Outer Core" and so on until one became a being and more and more beings appeared that eventually one evolved to a human. None of us Know the real reason but i would say the best wording is by "Jose Marin" since he used great vocabulary and detail that yet cant be proven. And he also talks about the topic as if he knew what was really happening but in reality none of us know.