Monday, September 23, 2013

Welcome to our Science Blog (2013 - 2014 School Year)

I would like to welcome you to our school's science blog. This would be our second year using this technology. The purpose of this learning tool is to help many understand the relationship between science and the world around us. Blogging helps us share ideas with our school community and others outside the school. It's a very powerful resource for obtaining science knowledge and skills that can help us understand topics about nature and the physical world. Also, it gives us the opportunity to evaluate and learn different views from others who will join us. The most important thing about having a successful blog is to keep everything on a professional and respectful level. This week take the time to post a brief greeting (say 'HELLO') and make sure you know how to post a comment. I will be checking everyday to make sure everyone post a greeting. ---------------------------------------------------- ESPANOL: Esta semana solo postea un saludo como respuesta para confirmar que usted entiende como usar el Blog. Estare chequeando a diario a ver sus saludos.


  1. Replies
    1. where can i send you emails?And how can i start my own topic?

    2. Also, hello to all the bilingual classes and the entire community of our school

  2. Anyways Hello Mr. Rosado and to all the people in 731. HI! =D, Love Science, Notice all the science teachers in my childhood never taught like that. It was always: WRITE, WRITE, and WRITE. So far i found out that number 3 is pee and poo

    a big hi to Sebastian 731, and Jose 731 and both Luis 731(Specially the talkative one!) . And hi to the rest!

  3. Hi I am new to all this and I think science is awesome. It helps me debunk things that can’t be explained like ghost and other things.
    Hola soy nuevo en todo esto y creo que la ciencia es impresionante. Me ayuda aclararé cosas que no se puede explicar como el fantasma y otras cosas.

  4. Its me Juan from 731 I think this year in science is going to be fun and HELLO ^_^

    1. Hey Juan, you can bet on that! Science is FUN !!

  5. Hello Mr.Rosado THIS IS AWESOME so cool that you can just have your own blog on the internet a couple of questions: Did you make this your self? How did yo be so awesome? And that's it I'm from 7-31 and my shout outs are Abdul Diaz 7-31 Luis Ramos 7-31

    1. It is easy to start your own blog. Google provides a good template and resource for blogs.

  6. -_- Forgot to say hi to everyone -3- .3.

  7. Hey Mariah, And Mohamed, shout out to you guys. And true, how can you make your own topic? And yeah, Arnab too (HEY), and you juandaniel, hi! Arnab, just click his account! This is so FUN! Nice handwriting on the internet Puja! Yo Mr Rosado, at least write hi! and hi everyone

  8. Hey guys great you are all enjoying this technology tool. 'SCIENCE IS AWESOME' !

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    1. Not to brag but this is what he left me
      ARNAB, awesome points and references. It' s great that you were able to relate a series of events to one major cause. That's what scientist sometime refer to as THE CIRCLE OF LIFE (acunamatata :) ).The common thing about global warming is that many scientist believe in its effects and the final outcome as global temperature increases. The difference among them is that some say its just around the corner and other say we still have time to turn the negative effects around. Personally, for me global warming is a one way street heading towards the final expected outcome of consequences you have presented. At the end, nature and mother Earth will have the last laugh.

      Great post and you did a great job identifying your resources. This is an excellent example of the type of posting I am expecting from all students. I will be refering students to look at your post as a model.

    2. Realmente abdul realmente cuál es tu email

  10. Hi this is my first time using this website. I want to learn about slowing down the effects by reducing the causes and effects of global warming.I think global warming is a one way street heading towards the final expected of the common world that is out their negative effects around the world. Alexis

    1. Hello Alexis, glad to see your post. We will be covering some of these effects and how to slow them down (if possible).

      Welcome to our blog.

  11. Also why does paper burn up and houses burn down?

    1. paper is a materiel that conducts fire and and houses are really delicate when exposed to fire

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    3. You mean paper is delicate when exposed to fire, for your info. Paper is weak, house are so strong not one piece looks like paper when firing. Is that what you were gonna say?

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    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  13. Hey there Mr.Rosado i'm doing fine how are you? Anyhow,there's a lot of things concerning global warming and its effects. For example, the number of breeding pairs of audele penguins has decreased in the years. I don't want to die by a tsunami because of global warming. That would be arguably the worst way to die and I don't want die that way. Thanks for reading!

    1. Hello. Global warming if a huge and very delicate topic for many reasons. First, as a civilized society with so much technology we can find answers to many events even though we don't want to hear about the outcomes. Yes, tsunami are very series. other thas global warming effects, tsunami can be formed by other events.

      we will during the course cover some of these concerns. I am very glad to see your post. Keep it up.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. hola soy karen ya se como hacer esto...

  16. hola soy karlha ya se como hacer esto esta como una papa con ketchup

  17. Hola Soy Alisson :P Y Ya se como hacer esto :P ( Quien No ) :3

  18. We'll he everybody it's Stephanie okay let me get to my point

    I agree with Kathleen and others because we never know wat will happen but I agree believe it or not this is very cool any ways I was reading a passage and saw a video on YouTube to get a deal or way of it I got this from : "While the opening of a year-round ice free Arctic passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would confer some commercial benefits, these are considerably outweighed by the negatives. Detrimental effects include loss of polar bear habitat and increased mobile ice hazards to shipping." So even if you think global warming helps, you gotta blink again. Global Warming affects animal's habitat. Which is something we should pay attention to. I believe there something has to be done. I saw this from Global warming can be slowed, and stopped, with practical actions that yield a cleaner, healthier atmosphere. The question is: will we act soon enough?

    “Many people don’t realize that we are committed right now to a significant amount of global warming and sea level rise…the longer we wait to do something about it, the more change we will have.”

    Gerald Meehl, The National Center for Atmospheric Research

    Ultimately it is up to each of us, as individuals and families, to take action to slow down and eventually reverse global warming through everyday awareness of our energy use, and attention to ways we can conserve electricity and minimize fossil fuel usage. So we can do something about it! Each of us, individuals can take action! We could cut down our energy, and conserve energy. I also saw this NASA talking about how we, humans affect global warming. Like the main, Burning of fossil fuels. As I said: "Nature affects us, and we affect it also.

    1. I agree with you and i have to look that up.

  19. Hiiii guys My name is Destiny Ramirez from class 733...just stopping by too say hello <3

  20. Aisha dukureh here from class 733 ^ ^ came on this website to say hello to ya people SO HI lml ☺

  21. hi Mr.rosado there is so much im waiting for in science

  22. Hi Mr. Rosado i can't wait to do some more mysteries!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. © Got it after 18 tries
    not telling you how i remember well a little from 2011

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  26. This is Brian Ortiz, and this is my talk on icebergs. From what I did on the experiment, I can tell that in a few hundred years or so the world may come to a destructive end because of icebergs. The atmosphere is breaking because of the gases people use everyday. This makes a hole in the ozone layer and sun rays come down full heat on certain areas of the world (specifically the poles). This causes global warming that can ruin all areas of the world and eventually kill us all (if the gas does not do this).

  27. this is jennifer from class 733, i agree with bryan ortiz because the atmosphere is breaking because of gasses people use everyday, and i comes down in comes down full heat on certain areas of the world.

  28. When global Warming Big steps hit Imma hidin a BUUSHH derp

  29. . Kory williams. 7-733 used this account. I feel very afraid and concerned at the same time. I feel that this is a very serious topic. if this is true we have a crisis on our hands. If that happens there would be a huge flood and peaces of land will be coverd water. I only hope that we can evolve and learn to adapt to the ways the earth will changes. I really hope that like we chaned to grow legs we grow fins all over again.
    I believe that in a few 1000000 years we might evolve we will have to try and deal with it. I also believe that that will also kill people because the sea cretures would swin and get us. There would be just enough for them to swim in and feel comfertable. T

    1. Kory this is about GLOBAL WARMING not EVOLUTION

  30. Erica Guaman 7-731

    Global Warming are very dangerous for us and different things. Global Warming affects us in different ways but also affects animals in different ways. Animals are affected because Global Warming leaves animals without water and without food believe it or not animals are probably affected more than us. Us humans are also affected because we are left without water and food. Animals are affected more than us because animals can die without food and water or can be extincted.

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  32. Hey everyone (teachers, if you are looking), Most people have been graded. I have seen everyone with 4/4. Keep it up ⬆. With respect to Puja Roy in 731, Mr. Rosado you didn't grade her work. Its not fair, just to say. Anyways, Hi

  33. hey my account is working now see you tomorrow

  34. Finally got this blog post to work on my phone. Been a while since i last did this stuff

  35. I can finally post. Hello Mr.Rosado
