Sunday, September 10, 2017

Bronx Global Learning Institute for Girls  

                                     WELCOME TO OUR SCIENCE COMMUNITY

BGLIG Students and Staff,

I would like to welcome all 6th, 7th and 8th grade student to our Science School Community blog. This is going to be an exciting year in science and the science blog is just one of the many tools we will have to help us understand the nature of science and how scientist think.  I will be posting every Sunday our weekly science topics and activities.  Please be sure to visit this site regularly and read the information posted.  Also, students can leave comments/questions related to assigned classwork, homework,  or just blog any scientific observation or concerns,

Also, you will find helpful information here to help you understand and complete classwork, homework, projects, study for test, complete end of the year science project and prepare for the following lessons.

Mr. Rosado
Science Teacher


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eperanza P

    Explain how a global positioning system (GPS) works:

    The global positioning system is a network about 30 satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 20,000 km. The GPS can be in a mobile phone or a handheld GPS unit and it can receive the radio signals that the satellites broadcast. The four GPS satellites are 'visible' at anytime and all satellites transmits information by traveling it to your GPS receiver. Once it knows how far away , each satellite is based on how long it took for the message to arrive. Once your message arrives your GPS receiver can know your location.

    How accurate at GPS?

    With GPS satellites broadcast their signals are a certain amount of accuracy , but it depends on additional factors and many more. For example , GPS-enable smartphones are typically accurate to within a 4.9m (16ft.) The accuracy worsens near buildings , bridges , trees , and a satellite signal blockage.

    1. Excellent post Eperanza. Keep up the great work.

  3. A global positioning system is a network of about 30 satellites. Once it has information on how far away at least three satellites are, your GPS receiver can point out your location using a process called trilateration.( think that GPS's are 90% accurate because sometimes they don't bring you to your exact destination. GPS's also aren't accurate because if you make a wrong turn when the GPS is rerouting sometimes it takes a long time to find a new route.

    Noelani W. 701

  4. The Global Positioning System is a network of about 30 satellites orbiting the earth. Which can lead to an altitude of 20,000 km. When the information is far away the gps gives an excact location called trilateration.

    2. For a numerous amount of tests the typical gps has a accuracy of 1-5 meters

    Emelkis C. 701

  5. Thank you Noelani and Emelkis for your informative posting
