Sunday, October 27, 2013

Open Topic: What Would Happen to Our Planet if Sea Levels Rise in the Next 100 Years? Week 3 (Oct. 27 - Nov. 4, 2013)

What Will Happen to Our Planet if Sea Levels Rises Feet by Feet? What will happen if polar ice caps melted? It will not be a surprise to see that sea levels could rise 3 feet (1 meter) in the next 100 years due to Global Warming. Some scientist estimate it can be up to 6 feet. TASK: Provide in your own words a brief essay (3 - 4 paragraphs)covering the following topic: 1. What will be the humanitarian impact if sea levels rise as predicted and the new World Map would looks as following (compare this World map with current map):
What would happen to people? Where will they go? How will our society absorb this impact? We as humans will always strive to survive events like these, but at a cost to society, the environment, and the human specie. Remember to provide evidence and the resources used to complete your task. Suggested resources - Please view before you post your work (video clips): What will happen if polar ice caps melted? (press link to watch video clip) and the following video clip Earth Under Water Important note: Antharthic and Greenland account for 90 % of the ice on Earth. If both were to melt, sea level water would rise approximately 230 feet.


  1. If the sea level raised all of us would be died. Global Warming would cause all of this? I can't believe it. If the polar ice caps melted it would have been a disaster. This may not sound like much, but even half a degree can have an effect on our planet. This higher temperature may be causing some floating icebergs to melt, but this will not make the oceans rise. Icebergs are large floating chunks of ice. In order to float, the iceberg displaces a volume of water that has a weight equal to that of the iceberg.

    1. I agree with Erica because even the lightest amount of ice falling could cause destruction. In addition, think of it like this. A butterfly gets killed on one side of the world. It could cause destruction on the other. If polar caps melted, floods would happen. This would either kill us or make us have to abandon our cities and states. That would be a horrible scene to spectate. That is why I agree with Erica.

    2. I agree with Erica because if the sea level rises then everyone would die. Besides, if the polar ice caps melt then the city will drown and everything will be destroyed. Then everything in the world would vanish.

    3. Nice essay with 1 PARAGRAPH. To save you out of a 1 or a 2, remember: write 3-4 paragraphs. Please talk more, I like your explanations.

    4. Erica G. 731
      Good point you make. Need to read the task, 3-4 paragraphs were required or this post. Also, you need to reply to a classmates comment.

      Grade: 2.5/4

  2. The planet will get flooded. If the polar ice caps melt the seas will also flood towns and countrys. People will drown from the high water.The socity will get destroyed and there might not be nothing left.

    1. Malik Lucas
      I believe that the human population will find ways to move to safe areas. Scientists have stated that the rise of sea levels will not spontaneous and that there will be signs to which we will respond to. Remember, I am just stating what researchers are saying. You need to complete the task. task required 3-4 paragraphs and to reply to one of your classmates posts.

      Grade: 2.0 / 4

  3. The planet is suffering from global warming. It is scary because of the way that the world can possibly end. I am shocked because of he way that we affected the earth with our car and harmful gases. The things like cars, powerboats, power plants. They burn the ozone layer and the sun's heat gets hotter. Which melts the ice to raise the sea level. That's crazy how the water will grow. What if the entire world is filled with water.
    The crazy things like the things we don't really need is doing damage. We should ride bikes so that it can repair. We should also do things like cut down on power more. We can still save this world but all of us have to try and do it together. I really hope that together we can solve this problem.

    1. Kory,
      I see you have posted 2 great comments. Yes there are many things we can do to prevent the Global Warming final results, but are we as humans committed to change our life styles to save our planet?

      Grade: 4 / 4 Excellent

    2. The people might either die or move to a different planet

  4. Kory mr,rosado Shatoya williams thats kory williams

  5. Replies
    1. Hello Keisha
      Glad you can log on to our community. Did you post this week?

      Grade: 0 / 4

  6. The earth is in danger because of global warning. This is a crime because people are trashing the earth which cause the air to stink up. There's possibly a chance that the world could end soon because of all the trash.The ozone layer is opening more and the sun is getting closer to the earth. Which the ice caps are melting cause of the sun heat and sea levels are raising.
    The bad thing is that some people don't care about what happening to the earth. They only think how it's going to affect them.

    1. Melissa
      The effects of GLOBAL WARMING destroying the ozone layer makes the Earth warmer. The Sun is still at it position, but more heat is reaching the ground. Indeed, we humans are the number one environment destroyers.
      Important to follow the task, it required 3-4 paragraphs and you need to reply to a comment posted by another student. I see you commented Kory and you completed the task

      Grade: 4 / 4

  7. Polar ice caps usually melt a bit each summer. Because of global warming, they melt all year long which causes all the floods, high tides and mudflows. Even penguins and other arctic animals are affected by the climate change that takes place out there. Due to global warming around the world, their natural environment is affected. Those species that live in the extremely cold regions depend on the ice because it is what they walk on. When it is melting at fast rates it completely changes their natural environment. At the same time it can make them vulnerable to predators that they were protected from in the past due to the thick sheets of ice. These are some examples of global warming effects. The sad thing about this terror is that no one compared to the entire earth's people care about this. Bit by bit the world is going "Bye-Bye" and the earth's people won't feel it wont care and even that the temperature is massively decreasing in Winter time and massively increasing in Summer time.
    P.S. ALL SHOULD READ RAED READ THIS IF YA READ THE TOP. More will come soon just putting that out there for any one to use some free ideas by the way i will be using this information on my three-four paragraph so please Mr.Rosado don't delete this please nor don't grade this maybe for extra credit but not as finally grade but this could be extra credit and people can take pieces if y'all want to

  8. This is Brian Ortiz, and what would happen if sea levels rise feet by feet is that the same thing could happen 170 million years ago; the ice age. The ice age cause water levels to drop immensely. Then when it warmed, it caused sea levels to rise more than 100 ft. With all the oil usage going on, it could cause global warming. If global warming happens, glaciers will melt and would rise more than 230 ft.
    What I think we should do to prepare ourselves for this is using multiple lines of defense. For example, we could use something like dams but in the middle of the sea to prevent water to rise, and it would build up on the other side. However, in this economic time, that would cost a lot of money that Americans just can't deal with yet. That is what I recommend for humanity to do to prepare ourselves for sea levels rising.

  9. At any rate, EPA says there's a 5 percent chance that global warming will not augment the existing trend toward a sea rise. But there's also a 5 percent chance that the sea will rise an extra two feet, and a 1 percent chance that it will rise an extra three feet, above the existing trend. Stabilizing global carbon dioxide emissions would cut the rise in half, the EPA reported.

  10. I agree with all of you.There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. But if sea level rises even by an inch daily it would be enough to flood the entire globe.If we continue adding carbon to the atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet, with an average temperature of perhaps 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the current 58. This would be a excellent idea to minimize the amount of ice melting in the earths atmosphere. As the planet warms, the sea rises. This means that in the summer we have a maximum amount to have floods in our earth.United States last October 29, it had mauled several countries in the Caribbean and left dozens dead. This was the cause of hurricane sandy. What caused hurricane sandy? The answer is simple. I was caused by the amount of icecaps that melted. Global Warning is serious and we should take action in this.

  11. Kory Williams 7-733. This is a real problem because Most of the earth will be covered in water. There is a possible estimate that lots of people will possibly die. There are lots of people who will be homeless. Other states will be very crowded. That is if there are a great amount of people dead. Then that will be very sad. There are places like america that would possibly be covered in water. That means my home as well. That frightens me, But I know that i possibly wont be living at the same house. My life would be different. That isn't fair.
    Like you typed the sea level would go up over 200 feet. To be exact 230 feet. I'm afraid for my loved ones. I wonder if the water would come all at once at a fast rate. I'm afraid for my friends and other people I know. I can't believe what I am reading but I will prepare myself for the worst. I also will consider that the global warming can be stopped. I will also try to find a faster way to repair the ozone layer. I believe that it is possible.
    The way that the society will react was that the world will create peace. It will possibly effect the human species because humans will evolve, possibly into the "mythical" mermaid. Then it will be normal for them to slowly turn and adapt to breathing under water. Possibly there would be a way to do both like frogs. For example Lungs and gills. That is an amazing way to look at it. It is better to look at the bright side. Then it is possible that the ice age will happen again and there would be frozen ice again then the land would be prepared again. It is completely possible that I wont be alive to see it turn normal again. I wonder if the buildings will be intact in the ocean. When the sea level drops will my building and room be intact.

  12. I agree with kory Williams form 733. This is a really bad problem. Many states like Florida, Hawaii, and other states near or surrounded by water can be effected by this rise if sea level. The well being of others are at rise. The sad this is the problem will progress. There is no way to stop it either.
    The good thing is this problem won't happen over night. It will take decades. And if we are luck even a century. This mean that we have time to prepare ourselves for this. Many states like New Orleans are getting ready for floods. They are building walls that go far out into the ocean to block floods. The question is can this really help defend New Orleans for floods or will it fail?
    Many people feel that the wall won't hold when it comes to the real thing. They feel that they would be better off moving in land. How ever I feel that they should build a system that transports excess water under the the city to another body of water. This would support the wall so it doesn't have to be built that high. This would drop the hight of the water by 1/4 which can make a big difference.

  13. I agree with Kory Williams because its a huge problem for a people and many states. Florida, Hawaii might be one of the mass flooding because they are surrounded by water. Also the danger of the sea level rising and not knowing how to stop the flooding. how can you progress the sea level when it's rising other day or less.
    Some people don't have a problem with the flooding because they know what to do, might people are lying about the flooding, they have been prepared of the flooding. They might think about possibly rethinking about whats going to happen later on in the future. Maybe now they can worry about the danger that might happen? The polar ice caps are melting due to the heat of the sun.
    The height of the sea level rising can be 230 feet or up. If the ice caps completely melts there's no way to stop the flooding. People lives might be in danger in the future. Houses, States etc. Due to the sea level rising in the future Florida or Hawaii might disappear on the map.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ok, Ok, here's my fight---you heard so-called "Mother" nature. You'd better be listening. You, Mother nature should stop this because is destroying the world. Its destroying us. We live here-on earth-so RESPECT US. We need somewhere to live and we chose earth WAY before you. As I'm quoting: "We conquer, others clone but we still remain as humans."

    Ok, back to the world. I'm talking to my humans. Global warming should end because its destroying us as I said on pp 1. Imagine you with a million dollars. Buying a house right on shore and later you lose it all with no recovery because of global warming-a global problem. It would be sad to lose. So you don't wan't it to happen. Well, the problem is you can't stop it. No matter how great the technology is, it won't be enough.

    Global warming will destroy the food chain-the chain of life. HOW? It will destroy polar bears' and penguin's habitat which are part of our very important food chain. And it's not on the animals or nature-it's us. We have nuclear and heat and heat and more heat. That's the main way we cause global warming. There will be less water or should I say rain. Less rain means less crops and food. Less crops because to plant we need rain precipitation (or something like that).

    Anyway, I'm going to make a book about this, if you want to make about this also then go to my website at and click the tab: Wanna create a book? and go on.

    Again....Abdul Diaz speaking......See you next topic.

  16. I Agree With Abdul Global warming will destroy the food chain-the chain of life. But Maybe The Attic Food Chain But Food Chain Really Has Nothing To Do With Weather. We Are Talking About How Will Affect The Life We Know it.

  17. if sea level rises everyone in Florida would have no chance of living. The rising temperature and icebergs could play a small role in the rising ocean level. As the temperature rises it affects icebergs and glaciers. The polar ice caps might be in danger melting causing the ocean to rise. The only probably is we just don't know when we don't know when to start preparing.
    The rising may cause glaciers to start breaking off. Which causes melting. Which causes more water. What i may say is i agree with KoryWilliams the states around water are the most endangered. Like Florida, Hawaii, And other islands or states by water. So to all those states i would like to say good luck and if were you i would either move while i got a chance or just start preparing. Just always be ready. Because you can never expect this. So be ready at all times. That's all i got to say.

  18. 1) Natural disasters do not have to lead to humanitarian disasters if countries have adequate systems to reduce their impact .

    2 ) The comparison between this map and the current are very similar and are the two maps are similar.

  19. My opinion on all this eberian esque people to take caution when rising sea levels
    Esque map & what I consider this map and the map actul are very similar.

  20. Kory 7-733 . So some things that will be impacted will be mostly the wild life. Us humans will possibly be OK because of our tall buildings and our back up shelters. Most people in the world will possibly be lost. If some people like the government would prepare for this for example create a tall man made peace of land that is high enough. They can also build a damn or a water proof wall. It is a smart alternative
    OK back on the subject. The ways that society will absorb the impact is that if it still rises and covers the earth in water then we will eventually evolve If not then we will find away to lower the sea level. It is as simple as it gets. It will be tough no dough about that. some things can happen like when the future generations find out that us past people are the cause of this. I read that the sea level will rise approximately 230 feet! It will be an awful experience for the start. Because of the possible panic and talk of the end of the world. we will prevail at the end. We always have so far. We cant be beat easily.
    The two largest ice burgs are the Antipathetic and the Greenland. That is amazing in my eyes. Some parts of the earth will be so covered that the buildings like the empire state building will possibly only show the point. If the ice age and everything will be OK because the sea level will go down. I wonder if the buildings will stay intact. That is a scary situation. hat is how it will affect society, where people will go, and how people will absorb the impact.

  21. Our planet earth as we known it is suffering inevitable faith due to the natural devastation known as global but then again we are the ones to take full blame and responsibility for our actions.It is we the people that brought this world in shambles it only a matter of time before we perish away along with this planet.Many people must feel this not entirely their fault to blame but everyday 7.5 billion people contribute to the pollution that eating away at our very own planet but now you take that number and ask yourself do majority of those people recycle.Now speaking of the word eating the ozone layer yes our earth best line of defense or protection that blocks the harmful rays is under attack almost every year do not how big hole is etched into the layers 4% every decade is taken away now do the math.With the help of scientist research the worldwide sea levels has risen to 0.14 inches and ever since the 1990's per year sea levels increased about 3.5 millimeters i wonder how this linked to that it all equaled to global warming.When I correctly analyze only the map of the United States i see a trend in 11 states so far that are at risk and one of those states is the state of the Big apple yes New York.Now my whole opinion on this topic is that the world can not protect ourselves from the global disaster known as global warming. Mekhi Adam Swaby Class 7-731

  22. Wow this is intersting ."What Would Happen to Our Planet if Sea Levels Rise in the Next 100 Years? Well as we all know mother nature.I agree with with Erica,Puja,Kory because i believe that in 100 years or less the ice berg could melt in any second and it can flood the world wide and people can die ! This can be very serious for people who lives in florida, and other places surroued with water becuase that can be worst.In fact with the help of scientist ,and researchers, they are definding and trying to think of something. To help us people Also people who lives in florida, hawaii , and island i feel very bad because there are so much water that can cause big waves and kill people. But dont panic stay postive . Also the more help the better. And the more negtive the worst,sometimes in my head i think that the world is going crazy!

    1. I agree with you completely mother nature is going nuts!

  23. Arturo Lopez

    Puja and Erica do make good points but I believe your over reacting. Yes the world would change massively but everyone dieing? I dont think so. Look at the map and the current map, about 15% of the world have went under water, again only about 15%, there is much more space humans can go to such as Afircia, and Asia and Europe. But many of the population of the humans will dissappaer, many of the population that lives on islands and/or small countries such as Iceland, Greenland,New York, Hawaii, The bahammas and much more, also keep and mind that each of those place have more has more than 5,000,000 people living there.

    Because of of these changes the world would go in chaos. To be honest many people would die, there wont be enouge time to pack and get out to another state or neither the more a country. Because of the rules in some countries you have to be a certain age to move and it might take time to go the other country of the laws ect. About 1,000,000,000 or more can die of these changes because of their situoation or their age, many simple things like that. Our socity will be impact by this that many of us need to move, may not see their family again.

    But space where humans will be is no problem, in fact all of the humans in the world (7,192,497,000 and counting) would all fit in beljim, so space is not a problem but food and resources would be. My about this, I am not surprised. A famous scientist won an award for opening the O-zone layer( he invented the hair spary) and almost everyone use it, so I am not to surprised but I am also scared.

  24. This is really horrible and it can happen any time so we must be prepared. Estefania Perez Vidals 7-731

  25. I agree with Abdul and Zoule. Global warming must be stopped. Food chains will be broken and the populations of animals and humans will decrease. Also many animals cant survive in water so if the water levels rise too much they wont survive. _Also continents will dissapear under the water little by little.This means islands will too. If islands like Puerto Rico and Hawaii get burried in water then they will have to move somewhere else. Where they move there will be too much people in it and will over pupulate in years while water levels keep going up.

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  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. The rising of the sea level is astounding. Who would have known that that is what theworld will be like in 2100.

  29. I agree with you fantae sea levels will rise and may cause floods.

  30. What will happen if the water rising i 100 years that would be dangerous.
    also it is interesting. What is causing this. It is the glaciers that are melting. What is gonna happen are we gonna die?

  31. Mariah Miranda 731

    I agree with Luis R and Abdul.. Global warming needs to be stopped. If the water keeps on rising states like Florida will be under water. Everybody in these states will have to move and lose all their belongings. It will be sad because it is gong to keep on rising and soon their isn't going to be no land or just a little.Everybody is not going to fit in a couple of states.
    Mother nature is the one who's doing this. Every time the humans messed with mother nature she is getting us back. Just like the people who build the Panama Canal. It wasn't meant to be their. Those people killed animals and cut down many of trees. There isn't a way to stop this. Now building something to protect New Orleans. It is costing billions of dollars. The city is not going to protect every state.

  32. Global warming can cause a lot of damage and can kill any person in this whole entire world.Many people that live next to high levels can cause even more damage.Many people and kids and even babies can die if this happens.The whole entire can disappear in a second.Global warming needs to stop.Florida and Hawaii are the most damaged in this situation.
    Global damage can kill a lot of us and it can even kill animals.There has to be way to stop this. the words world needs to be protected as well as us , we need to be protected.Mother nature is being to rough on us. Mother nature is going completely crazy.Everyone can lose everything and most importantly they can lose their children.

  33. I hope that this situation never ever happens so that our world can stay the same way that it is now and forever.

  34. What will happen is that if the sea level rise there won't be room in the countries and a lot of land will be lost.
    NYDIA T.702
