Everything that is alive starts with a single cell. Cells have a life cycle - they grow (G1), they synthesize and dublicate its chromosomos (S), continue growing and getS ready for division (G2), and finally enterS mitosis (cell division). Visite the following link and play the THE CONTROL OF THE CELL CYCLE GAME. As you play the game take notes and summarize each mayor cell activity that is happening. Write a 3 paragraph summary. Be sure to answer the following in your summary: Analyze the life cycle of cells, explain cellular division, and the cell event that can cause a tumor (cancer). Important: Take notes while you play the cell cycle game and use these notes to help you write your comment. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPELLING.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Open Topic: What Would Happen to Our Planet if Sea Levels Rise in the Next 100 Years? Week 3 (Oct. 27 - Nov. 4, 2013)
What Will Happen to Our Planet if Sea Levels Rises Feet by Feet? What will happen if polar ice caps melted? It will not be a surprise to see that sea levels could rise 3 feet (1 meter) in the next 100 years due to Global Warming. Some scientist estimate it can be up to 6 feet. TASK: Provide in your own words a brief essay (3 - 4 paragraphs)covering the following topic: 1. What will be the humanitarian impact if sea levels rise as predicted and the new World Map would looks as following (compare this World map with current map):
What would happen to people? Where will they go? How will our society absorb this impact? We as humans will always strive to survive events like these, but at a cost to society, the environment, and the human specie. Remember to provide evidence and the resources used to complete your task.
Suggested resources - Please view before you post your work (video clips):
What will happen if polar ice caps melted? (press link to watch video clip) and the following video clip Earth Under Water
Important note: Antharthic and Greenland account for 90 % of the ice on Earth. If both were to melt, sea level water would rise approximately 230 feet.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Science and technology - Week 2 - October 7 thru October 14, 2013
In the early 1900's, many of today's known diseases were present but had different names and of cause, different treatments. Without today's technology, many of these diseases were: 1) undetectable, 2) not comprehended, 3) thought as 'not curable', or 4) simple left to chances. Example: Children with Down Syndrome were in the early 1900's institutionalized, as many other genetic disorders and disease state. Patients probably with cancer or tumors were treated without hope. A simple cold or bronchitis would complicate into a pneumonia maybe leading to death. Science was present, but medicine didn't flourish until technology began to change our lives. Today thanks to major advances in medicine due to technology lives are being saved everyday. Science, medicine, and technology will continue to change the lives of millions. YOUR TASK: Doing research, name one or two of the major advances done in medicine and working with new treatments that technology has had a major influence in. State the disease, the description of the disease , the technology, and how has it been used to fight the disease state. Cite your sources.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Melting Icebergs Activity - September 24 -October 6, 2013
Melting Icebergs: Science Inquiry
The presented melting iceberg experiment is a great activity to present students with an inquiry of the effects of such events. This task is structured and contains the necessary guidance as to permit students construct and formulate their own questions as to understand the reality and seriousness of this melting of icebergs and polar ice caps.
The experiment demonstrates that as the floating ice melts the volume of water increases. What would happen if the polar ice caps melted? There will be a combination of events: 1) rising of sea levels, 2) accelerate global warming, 3) changes ecosystems, 4) threatens human culture and economics, and 5) increases seawater freshwater contamination, which can affect coastal erosion. All these in one way or the other are interconnected.
One of the most talked about concerns is that of the rising of the sea levels. It has been documented that the melting itself of icebergs doesn’t affect sea levels. On the other end, the melting of the polar ice caps will because as the ice melts, the temperature of the seawater increases. It is important to mention that the polar ice caps help reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, if the ice is melted the sunlight will be absorbed by the ocean thus increasing its temperature, which will cause the water to expand and rise. This rising of the temperature will accelerate global warming.
Global warming has been a topic of national and global importance among communities of scientists and political officials. This itself can bring other questions (inquires) from this activity: A.How does global warming affect the polar ice caps? B. Have governmental agencies develop a realistic plan to slow down global warming? * in the last 100 years global warming has increase ½ degree. C. Currently, are the 2 mayor polar ice caps in danger (Artic & Antarctica)? D. How will it directly affect populations of humans and other species?All these questions can have its instructional value during this task. The great part of these types of activities is that it invites students to formulate their own inquiries and look for the answers. Definitely, this is a good inquiry based instruction sample in which active learning is in place. Students will engage in the activity by formulating questions and collecting data, which they will use to present and reflect. Students will conduct the experiment and apply their learning to their lives, society, and technology (Hammerman, 2006).
Hammerman, E. L. (2006). Becoming a better science teacher: 8 steps to high quality instruction and student achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Welcome to our Science Blog (2013 - 2014 School Year)
I would like to welcome you to our school's science blog. This would be our second year using this technology. The purpose of this learning tool is to help many understand the relationship between science and the world around us. Blogging helps us share ideas with our school community and others outside the school. It's a very powerful resource for obtaining science knowledge and skills that can help us understand topics about nature and the physical world. Also, it gives us the opportunity to evaluate and learn different views from others who will join us. The most important thing about having a successful blog is to keep everything on a professional and respectful level.
This week take the time to post a brief greeting (say 'HELLO') and make sure you know how to post a comment. I will be checking everyday to make sure everyone post a greeting.
ESPANOL: Esta semana solo postea un saludo como respuesta para confirmar que usted entiende como usar el Blog. Estare chequeando a diario a ver sus saludos.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
7 th Grade Science Final Exam Review Notes
7th Grade Science Final Exam Review
1. All sound waves are caused by something vibrating.
2. A physical change is a reaction that does change the identity of the product. Example: when water freezes it goes from liquid to solid state, but the original composition is still water.
3. The identity of the composition is conserved in a physical change.
4. A chemical change is when the original composition of the components involved changes into something else. Example: when metal is exposed to water or oxygen, it oxidizes and rust is created. The product rust is different from the original component metals.
5. Burning wood is a chemical reaction that forms a new product.
6. Levels of organization and formation of humans: cell -> tissue -> organ -> organ systems -> organism
7. Cells are to tissues, as tissues are to organs, and as organs are to organ systems.
8. Tissues are composed of similar cells that perform similar functions.
9. Our bodies have various systems. Many of these systems work together to help us survive. Each system has its functions, but at the same time its functions are helped by the function of another body system. Our skeletal and muscular system helps us move our body (arms, legs, etc.).
10. Our skeletal system helps us protect and support our bodies.
11. Our adult life skeletal system is made up of about 205 bones.
12. Our endocrine system helps us control our body regulations and growth. Our endocrine system produces hormones.
13. Our digestive system is where digestion of nutrients occurs. As the food moves through the system, every organ has its function. Ex. Absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine. Nutrients are absorbed here and are enters our blood stream. Our blood stream then is responsible for carrying nutrients throughout the body.
14. The excretory system is responsible for the elimination of waste products from our systems.
15. Our nervous and muscular systems are responsible together in responding to stimuli (nervous input) that will make us blink, jump when startled, and responsible for our reflexes.
16. Stimulus is a change in the environment that causes a response from our nervous system.
17. Respiratory system: lungs absorb oxygen and this oxygen is delivered to the cells in our bodies. This oxygen is used for cellular respiration.
18. The digestive system: brakes down food and transports nutrients so they can be absorbed by the small intestine into the blood stream.
19. Circulatory system: main function is to transport nutrients and oxygen throughout our bodies. Circulatory system network for transportation of materials that are essential for our bodies.
20. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons are positive charged, electrons are negative charged, and neutrons are not either positive or negative charged particles.
21. DNA in a cell provides information of hereditary (genetic information).
22. Water (H2O) has 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen.
23. Water is another example of a substance. It is a COMPOUND made out of two elements.
24. NH3 = ammonia is composed of 1 atom of Nitrogen and 3 atoms of Hydrogen.
25. Why doesn’t oil mix with water? Water is a “polar” solvent. Polar solvent doesn’t dissolve in non polar solutes like oil.
26. Oil is a non polar solute.
27. A solute is what gets dissolved in a solvent.
28. Water is a solvent. Sometimes referred to as the universal solvent.
29. Look at figure 5 from page 215 from your textbook. Identify crest, wavelength, and trough.
30. Review figure 18 from page 318 from your textbook. Understand the pH scale. Remember a pH of 7 is neutral. Neutral means it’s not acidic or basic. Water is a neutral substance.
31. Ammonia and soap are useful products used at home. These are basic on the pH scale.
32. What are the 3 major parts of the ear? Figure 14 page 222. Outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. These 3 parts work together.
33. Solubility: measurement that describes how much solute dissolves in a given amount of solvent. The ability of a given substance (solute) to dissolve in a solvent.
34. Intensity of sound waves is measured in decibels (dB).
35. Sound waves travel faster through solids. Sound waves travel only through matter.
36. Cell membrane controls what enters or exits the cell.
37. A nucleus membrane surrounds the nucleus. The nucleus is within the cell in its cytoplasm. The entire cell is protected and surrounded by the cellular membrane. A similar membrane called plasma membranes surrounds cells from plants.
38. Nucleus controls most activities of the cell.
39. Review figure 3 from page 364 (animal cell)
40. Review figure 4 from page 365 (plant cell)
41. Cell Theory: Composed of 3 main ideas: A) All living things are made of one or more cells, B) The cell is the basic unit of life, and C) all cells come from cells that already exist.
42. Transverse waves, compressional waves, and electromagnetic waves are 3 types of waves that transports energy.
43. Volume is a property of a liquid that can be measured using a measuring cup.
44. Theory: explanation or model that is backed by results obtained by many tests and experiments.
45. The Periodic Table is a model used by scientist to determine the properties of elements.
46. The atomic number of an element tells the number of protons in the nucleus of that given element.
47. A mixture is 2 or more substances combined that don’t make a new substance.
48. Conic projections: a type of map that is made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a cone.
49. Contour lines connect same areas of similar elevations.
50. The streak test provides the color property of the minerals. The streak test requires a piece of ceramic to which the mineral is streaked. The revealing color on the streak will identify the minerals present.
51. Weathering is a mechanical or chemical surface process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces.
52. When water finds its way through cracks on rocks, when this water freezes it will produce fractures in the rock. When water freezes it expands, forcing the cracks to open further. In freezing waters, molecules move apart.
53. Chemical weathering is most rapid in tropical regions.
54. All minerals are inorganic solids.
55. Fossils give up evidence of ancient life.
56. Animals with hard parts produce better fossils.
57. Fossils are most likely be formed in sedimentary rocks.
58. Paleontologist study fossils.
59. Principal of succession: THE PRESENT IS THE KEY TO THE PAST.
60. Superposition is the principal that states that the oldest rocks are always at the deepest level. The rocks closer to the surface are newer. This is always true if the surface is undisturbed.
61. The oldest fossils are always found at the oldest rock level. The oldest rocks are found deeper into the surface.
62. The Pacific Ocean is found to the west of the United States.
63. Lithosphere: rigid layer of Earth made of the crust and a part of the upper mantle.
64. Earthquakes occur where one plate tectonic slides past another plate.
65. The Atlantic has the most spreading boundaries.
66. Seismic waves are produced by earthquakes.
67. Epicenters have to do with earthquakes, not volcanoes.
68. Pangaea is the theory of the existence of a super continent once existed.
69. Density is mass over volume of a substance. D = m/V
70. Bacteria is a unicellular organism; this means is a single (1) cell organism.
71. Amphibians send part of their life in water and some on land.
72. Earth science is the science that studies Earth and space.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Science Exit Project - Hypothesis and Conclusion
Yes! It's Science Exit Project time. All students should have already summitted their science project reports and boards. Remember this is an important part of your final science grade.
For this week's blog, please present in 2 concise paragraphs your HYPOTHESIS and your conclusion on your project. Remember to include a small reflection in your conclusion (ex. What would you have done differently?). Please present your blog by Sunday, June 2, 2013.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Adaptation of species throughout time: Theory of the Mermaid
During the last week we had the opportunity through technology to view a set of short video clips about the theory of evolution and how a group of our ancestors decided to take to the sea (waters) instead of moving inland once the environmental conditions on land threaten their daily balances. As the years pasted, these so called aquatic apes adopted to the life under waters. Lets remember to point out that these adaptation processes didn't happen overnight. Anything from 500,000 to 2 million years of changes.
For this week's posting, post a personal comment on how you can connect all the events from these different video clips to relate a possible theory or story on what happened and how these ancestors to many are believed to be our 'unseen' mermaids which many believe to exist. Remember, this is not about if they do or not exist, this is only to show how a good theory can make us think differently and look the other way.
I enclose the link to the series of video clips we should make reference to: THE MERMAID <-- PRESS THIS LINK TO WATCH VIDEOS.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Several Science Fair Project Ideas
· Will chilling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?
· What type of plastic wrap prevents evaporation the best?
· What plastic wrap prevents oxidation the best?
· What percentage of an orange is water?
· Are night insects attracted to lamps because of heat or light?
· Can you make Jello using fresh pineapples instead of canned pineapples?
· Do white candles burn at a different rate than colored candles?
· Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth?
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Science Log for Week March 1 thru March 11, 2013
Views of Earth How was this planet formed? What are the most acceptable theories out there of how it was formed? Which one do you feel sounds like the most acceptable? Speak with several adults in your family and asked them these questions also. Remember this is SCIENCE, lets keep our comments totally scientific in nature.

Monday, February 25, 2013
Science Log for Week Feb. 20 to Feb 28, 2013
Understanding how all organ systems work together, describe and present evidence of what would happen if the relationship between these systems are broken. What happens to homeostasis (balance)? Can the disease state of one organ system bring down the health of another organ system? Blog away!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Bilingual Science Log: Semana de 11 Feb. al 15 Feb. 2013
Comentar sobre lo que aprendio sobre el sistema circulatorio durante la semana.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Shout out to Ariel Molina-Gameos (733) for her talent!
Ariel's talent will be displayed in my room! Thanks Ariel for bringing color and life into our classroom.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Science Log for Week Feb. 4 to Feb 8, 2013
One of the main components of the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM is the blood. Blood is composed of 4 parts:
1. Red Blood Cells (RBC): The primary function of red
blood cells is to transport oxygen throughout the body
2. White Blood Cells (WBC): White Blood Cells fight disease
3. Platelets: Platelets, along with other proteins, form blood clots. When blood is exposed to air,
platelets become sticky and form internal and external “scabs” to catch the blood cells
and plasma, thereby stopping bleeding.
4. Plasma: Blood is composed of plasma, which is about ninety percent water. Plasma serves as the
main transportation component in the body since it is the liquid part of blood.
For this weeks posting write about the blood and how it helps us transport oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies. You can also mention any concerns about blood or any blood disease.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Congratulations Ahsyana Wright for your special project
Wow, I am very proud of the project Ahsyana Wright from 733 turned in for extra credit. I just can't take my eyes off it and show it to my colleagues and school staff. You did an awesome job! Take a look at her design/model and interpretation of an active volcano during the era of the dinosaurs.
Science Log for Week Jan. 27 to Feb. 1, 2013
This week we covered the Circulatory System and its parts. We analyzed the flow of blood through the heart and it's distribution throughout the human body. The distribution of blood is made possible through the use of a complicated, but effective network of blood vessels (Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries). We also mentioned various disease states of the circulatory system, especially of the heart. This week post your comment about this topic, or any related scientific contribution. Blog On!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Will like to congratulate all our candidates during our first club elections for our leadership team. You all dis a great job and hopefully we can all work together to make this club an incredible experience for all. Here are the results:
IS 318 -- Science Inquiry and Exploration Club -----------
President: Ibrahim Diallo -------------------------------
Vice-Present: Marianny Pantophlet ----------------------
Club Liaison: Celai Bush ------------------------------------
Secretary: Yamileth Gonzalez ----------------------------------
Treasurer: Harrichan Singh --------------------------------------
Vocal Representatives: Kelly Vega,
Smailyn Nicasio,
Ariel Molina- Gameos,
Candice Hinds,
Megan Martinez,
Naquia Dawson, -----------------------------
Congratulations again.
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